News & Events

November 2, 2023

The Path to Ownership with Boone Homes

Building your dream home is an exciting journey, and at Boone Homes, we're committed to making this process as seamless as possible. We understand that your home is a reflection of your unique lifestyle, so we've crafted a path to ownership that allows you to bring your vision to life. Here's a step-by-step guide to help you navigate the path to owning a Boone Home.

Choosing Your Community and Home

Select your Boone Homes Community: The journey begins by finding the Boone Homes community that resonates with your lifestyle and preferences. This decision sets the stage for your path to ownership.

Choose Your Home Site & Floorplan: Once you've selected your community, you'll move on to choosing the perfect homesite and floorplan that align with your vision for your new home. Boone Homes offers a range of customizable plans to cater to your needs.

Make Structural Changes to Your Floorplan: As a semi-custom builder, Boone Homes encourages you to personalize your home. You'll collaborate with our Community Manager to tailor your floorplan to your liking. Your home should reflect your unique style and needs.

Customization and Planning

Home Plans Drawn by Our In-House Architect (As Needed): If you opt for customization, Boone Homes' in-house architect will draft specialized floorplans for your approval. This ensures that every detail of your vision is accurately captured in your home design.

Complete Your Purchase Agreement: This step marks the finalization of your purchase agreement, an essential milestone in your journey towards homeownership.

Construction Preparation

Plan Review Meeting: A meeting with the Vice President of Construction is arranged to review neighborhood specifications, confirm blueprints, discuss construction timelines, and explore any additional changes you may wish to incorporate into your home.

Building Permit Is Submitted: After you approve your home plan, the application for your building permit is submitted, a process that typically takes up to six weeks.

Selections Process Begins: It's time to make choices that will make your home uniquely yours. You'll receive a Buyer Selection Book with deadlines for each phase of the selection process, covering items such as appliances, cabinetry, interior elements, lighting fixtures, and more.

Architectural Approval: Drawings for exterior colors and the home's location on the lot are submitted for approval to ensure your home harmonizes with the community's aesthetics.

Construction Phase

Pre-Con Meeting: Once the building permit is secured, you'll meet with the Vice President of Construction and/or the Superintendent to verify all details before construction starts.

Construction Begins: This marks the exciting moment when the actual construction of your home commences, turning your vision into reality.

Construction Milestones: Several important meetings take place during construction, including an Electrical Walk-Through Meeting and a Pre-Drywall Meeting, where you can inspect your home's systems and progress before they are concealed.

Finalizing and Moving In

Utilities Connected: You'll need to transfer utility services into your name following closing, as Boone Homes will disconnect them within three days after closing.

Final Walk-Through: Approximately seven days before closing, your Superintendent will guide you through your new home and ensure it meets your expectations.

Final Orientation Meeting: Once any necessary corrections are made, your Superintendent will schedule this meeting where you'll sign off on the completed checklist, marking the completion of your new home.

Closing and Beyond

Closing – It's Time to Enjoy Your New Home: After closing, your Superintendent will present you with your keys, and you can officially move in and begin enjoying your new home.

60 Day Warranty Check-In: Around 30 days after closing, Boone Homes' warranty department will reach out to you to schedule a warranty check-in to address any issues or concerns, ensuring your home continues to meet your expectations.

Your journey to ownership with Boone Homes is a comprehensive process that allows you to create a home tailored to your unique preferences, from selecting the community to finalizing the details and enjoying your new home. Each section of this path contributes to turning your vision into a reality with quality, personalization, and expert guidance along the way.

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