News & Events

March 20, 2023

Spotlight Employee: Augusta Jarvis, Sales & Settlements Coordinator

Augusta Jarvis, the Sales and Settlement Coordinator at Boone Homes, works closely with our new homeowners, agents, lenders, appraisers and title companies to ensure a smooth and timely closing. Throughout the building process and closing, Augusta verifies that all permits, inspections, HOA documents and compliance requirements are completed and received.

Boone Homes is made up of a great team that is genuinely focused on the customer’s best interest. Boone Homes embodies trust, respect, gratitude and integrity. - Augusta

Augusta brings positive energy into the office and we love having her here at Boone Homes! Read on to learn more about Augusta!

What is the most rewarding part of your position?  

Hearing the excitement in a homeowner’s voice when they call after closing to thank me for all my help. It is so rewarding to be able to assist with something so important to people. 

What do you love most about Boone Homes? 

I love how we are seen in the community and within the industry. Our homes are absolute high quality; our associates genuinely care about the customers and our company has a reputation of being reliable and honest. 

How do you spend your free time outside of the office? 

 I enjoy spending time with my family and close friends. Usually just chilling out and playing games either at Tuckahoe Moose Lodge or on our front porch. 

Tell us what you are most excited about in 2023.

I’m most excited (like every year) to spend all the time I can with my family. But this year we have a grandson to add to holiday fun, family vacation and just hanging out together. 

Favorite travel destination?

Outerbanks, NC

Tell us something that people might not know about you.

 I have been in a country band, Little Creek, for 15 years!! Highlights: Opening for Travis Tritt at Innsbrook AfterHours and playing The National!

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